Honey Fermented Garlic
Hollie J. Schipper ND
Naturopathic Doctor
Honey fermented garlic can be used to combat cold and flu, used as an immune booster, or simply as a condiment to add a honey garlic flavor to any dish. Whether you call it ‘honey infused garlic’ or ‘honey fermented garlic’ – the final product has both the flavors of honey and garlic! You end up with garlicky honey and sweet mellowed garlic.
Since the beginning of time garlic and honey have been used in traditional medicines around the world. The main health ingredient in garlic is allicin. It contains oxygen, sulfur, and other chemicals that give garlic antibacterial and disease-fighting properties.
Honey is naturally high in antioxidants called flavonoids and polyphenols. These chemicals may help to fight inflammation (redness and swelling) in the body. This can help balance the immune system. Honey also has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties according to many documented sources.
The typical use of garlic is to treat colds and coughs. It’s also reported to boost the immune system and help ease asthma symptoms. Arab traditional medicine recommended garlic to help treat heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, toothache, constipation, and infections.
Both garlic and honey are high in antioxidant compounds. These healthy chemicals help to balance your immune system and may prevent illness. According to some researchers they may also protect your brain from common diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Why make honey fermented garlic?
- It’s just fun!
- Well, it’s not so much fun after you peel 24 garlic buds and your fingers are now on fire!
- It’s quite easy
- You appreciate the medicinal qualities of honey & garlic and want to take advantage of their anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and immune boosting properties
- You grow your own garlic and you want to naturally preserve your garlics for long term storage without refrigeration
- You want to eat more raw garlics for the health benefits but can’t tolerate the pungent taste
- You love honey garlic flavored foods and want to have a naturally preserved honey garlic condiment on hand to add to your dishes
- You want to take advantage of having it on hand as a cold and flu remedy
- I personally use it as a daily immune booster and for cardiovascular health. It’s relatively inexpensive and it tastes good (especially after it has fermented for awhile)
While it is based on anecdotal evidence that it works as a cold and flu remedy – many use it for those reasons. They are both powerful antimicrobials and honey is also a natural cough suppressant. It’s also much easier to consume honey fermented garlic rather than raw garlic in my opinion.
Fermentation Tips
It is important to understand how fermentation works.
- You want just enough honey to cover the garlic, not too much. The garlic will release moisture into the honey to set the stage for the start of fermentation.
- The garlic should be kept under the liquid to prevent mold growth. Since garlic naturally floats on top of the honey, I typically tip the jar upside down at least once daily. In addition, especially for the first few days it is good to stir it. It’s important to ensure that all garlic cloves are coated in honey. These steps should be continued until the garlic no longer floats.
- When you see bubbles, this means that the fermentation has begun. These bubbles will be produced varying from a little to a lot. Sometimes, the bubbling can be very active; overflowing the jar.
- I always keep the jars on a tray or something so that when there is overflowing (because it will!) I don’t mess up a whole cupboard. It is important to leave plenty of head space in the jar when fermenting honey and garlic. This step may save you from ending up with a sticky mess. It’s also crucial to open the lid of the jar daily to “burp” to release the carbon dioxide. The bubbling will subside over the weeks, and eventually you will not see bubbles produced nor will you need to release carbon dioxide from the jar.
- If too much honey is used, the mixture may not reach the moisture content required (18-20%) for the fermentation process to begin.
Color Changes
As the honey fermented garlic continues to ferment it will change color. Over time, the garlic cloves will gradually sink to the bottom of the jar, and the color of honey will gradually darken. In addition the honey will thin out over time due to the moisture released by the garlic.
- Prepare your glass jars by sterilizing or boiling them. Have your lids available. I use 1/2 pint (jam jars) or 1 pint wide mouth jars.
- Peel the garlic. I cut large cloves so they are edible size. Combine garlic cloves and just enough liquid raw honey to cover the garlic in a glass jar. The glass jar should be large enough to roughly double the capacity of your ingredients to leave room for expansion. Close the jar with a lid.
- Stir the mixture &/or flip the closed jar upside down daily (2 times a day is optimal) to ensure all garlic cloves are coated with honey.
- Within a few days, air bubbles should be forming, a sign of active fermentation. At this point it is important to open the jar daily to release excess carbon dioxide. If fermentation doesn’t begin by the third day, then add a spoon or 2 of water into the mixture. Repeat step 2.
- Continue this process until fermentation slows down, the honey thins out, the bubbling stops, and the garlic cloves sink to the bottom of the jar. It may take over a month. At this point, you can store the honey fermented garlic in a sealed jar, unrefrigerated, to let it age.
For best taste, the honey fermented garlic can be consumed after 3 months. The finished products can be stored in a dark place in room temperature for years.
Although the honey garlic tastes better as the flavors age and the garlic becomes mellower, you can eat it at any time. Over time the flavor will continue to develop, the garlic will mellow, and the honey will become much runnier. It will store well in a cool place for many months, if not longer.
How can you use the honey?
It’s delicious on salads, on bruschetta, or as a marinate on chicken or fish. Use it whenever you want a nice garlic honey taste. You will find many delicious ideas on-line.
This information is what I have learned over the last couple of years of making honey fermented garlic.
Information is provided for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the advice or attention of health-care professionals

Sage & Lavender Herbs & Tinctures
These tinctures and elixirs have been created in small batches, with lots of love and care! Many of the herbs are wild-crafted from my home garden and property. They work to effect the body’s natural rhythms of homeostasis to create balance, harmony, and optimal function.
– Dr. Hollie @harmonicwellnesscentre
Payment: cash, check, credit card
Paypal: holliejschipper@charter.net
Venmo: @hollie-schipper
Contact me at : 616.822.1914 or holliejschipper@charter.net
Product Prices:
Resilience Elixir Vibrant Heart Elixir Red Clover
1 oz. $10 1 oz. $8
2 oz. $18 2 oz. $25 2 oz. $15
4 oz. $36 4 oz. $45 3 oz. $22
Hawthorne Berry Motherwort Tincture DandelionTincture
1 oz. $8 1 oz. $8 1 oz. $8
2 oz. $15 2 oz. $15 2 oz. $15
4 oz. $30 3 oz. $22 3 oz. $22
Capsicum Lemon Balm
1 oz. $8 1 oz. $8
2 oz. $15 2 oz. $15
4 oz. $30 4 oz. $30
Resilience Elixir – Resilience Builder
Ingredients: High Proof grain Alcohol, Distilled Water, Organic Krishna holy basil, Organic Ashwagandha root, Organic astragalus root,
Raw local honey
Are you stressed, just worn out from the many challenges we have faced this year? By using this Resilience Elixir you just might fall in love with yourself again, and gain resilience to counteract the stresses you face each day! Stress can do considerable damage to various body systems and organs so let’s support your body with well- known adaptogens!
This blend includes adaptogens, which have been well documented for centuries on their efficacy for supporting the body’s ability to adapt to stress. “An adaptogen is a natural substance that helps your body adapt to stress and promotes mental balance. The concept of an adaptogen is a holistic approach. Scientific research shows that holy basil has pharmacological properties to help your mind cope with many types of stress” ´https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/basil-benefits#brain-benefits
Holy Basil has is known for its anti-depressant and anti-anxiety properties. Ashwagandha, traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine, is also an adaptogen usually used to help cope with stress. Astragalus, typically used in Chinese medicine, is also an adaptogen herb traditionally used to increase energy and resistance to stress. Together the herbs in this elixir can assist your body and emotions to adapt and become stronger in its response to stress creating resilience.
Dosage: 1 tsp 3-4 times daily as directed by your practitioner
As with any herbal preparation, dosage should be determined based on the status of your health and guidance from your practitioner. A teaspoon (dropperful) seems to do well for most people, but this should not be taken as a dosage recommendation.
These products have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness. Please check with your medical practitioner before using any herbal remedy.
Vibrant Heart Elixir
Ingredients: High-proof grain alcohol, distilled water, organic hawthorn berries, wild-crafted motherwort, organic garlic, organic linden flowers, honey
Nurture your heart with our Vibrant Heart Elixir! Fall in love with this herbal combination especially designed to support heart health. This elixir combines the hearty herbs of Hawthorn, Garlic, Linden and Motherwort. Hawthorn has been known for centuries as a heart tonic and has been shown in studies to improve circulation to the heart and support its pumping rhythm as it contains special compounds that help protect not only your heart but your entire circulatory system. The garlic bulb contains a constituent known as allicin which plays a big role in reducing the risk of heart disease by relaxing blood vessels and keeping blood flowing easily. The relaxing effect of linden is important for the cardiovascular system, especially when there is plaque or inability to control the pressure of blood flow. Motherwort is commonly combined with Hawthorn to calm a racing heart caused by nervous tension. Your heart will fall in love with this phenomenal herbal combination. Let’s not only be happy, but bring back some vibrant living back into your life!
Adults: Take 1 tsp, 3 times per day on an empty stomach. Use for a minimum of 2 months to see beneficial effects. Hawthorne must be taken consistently to experience long term results.
Contraindication & Drug Interactions: Consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use if you are taking blood thinners, protease inhibitors, blood pressure medications, or cardiac glycosides such as digitalis/digoxin.
Side Effects – Hypersensitivity has been known to occur – discontinue use if so.
As with any herbal preparation, dosage should be determined based on the status of your health and guidance from your practitioner.
These products have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness. Please check with your medical practitioner before using any herbal remedy.
Capsicum, known as Cayenne, Hot Pepper
Ingredients: High-proof grain alcohol, distilled water, cayenne peppers, local raw honey
Historically Capsicum has been used for many years. In 1833, Samuel Thomson wrote in his “New Guide to Health”, “I have made use of Cayenne in all kinds of disease, and have given it to patients of all ages and under every circumstance that has come under my practice; and can assure the public that it is perfectly harmless, never having known to produce any bad effects whatever. It is no doubt, the most powerful stimulant known, but its power is entirely congenial to nature, being powerful only in raising and maintain that heat on which life depends.”
Capsicum is often used when the circulatory system can benefit. It is typically used when body heat is low, and reaction sluggish.
It possesses an extraordinary power in removing congestion by its action upon nerves and circulation. (Practical Herbalism, Philip Fritchey, MH, ND)
Considerations: “The Physician’s Desk Reference for Herbal Medicines warns that long-term topical application can lead to blistering and skin ulceration, and that high doses taken internally over extended periods might bring about chronic gastritis, kidney and liver damage, and neurotoxic effects. Traditional herbalists strongly disagree, and the author’s experience has never given the slightest indication of persistent irritation or injury from the use of Capsicum, topically, or internally.” Practical Herbalism, Philip Fritchey, MH, ND)
Dosage: Typically one drop under the tongue as needed.
As with any herbal preparation, dosage should be determined based on the status of your health and guidance from your practitioner.
These products have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness. Please check with your medical practitioner before using any herbal remedy.
Dandelion Tincture
Dandelion is commonly thought to be one of the ‘bitter herbs’ recommended in the Bible. It has been used to aid digestion, relieve liver distress, and other ills. Culpeper, a brilliant herbalist, states “It has an opening and cleansing quality, and therefore, very effectual for the obstructions of the liver, gall, and spleen.”
Dandelion is typically used as an digestive herb. Its leaves and flowers are often used in salads or tea.
Dosage: ½ – 1 tsp; 3-4 times daily as directed by your practitioner.
As with any herbal preparation, dosage should be determined based on the status of your health and guidance from your practitioner.
These products have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness. Please check with your medical practitioner before using any herbal remedy.
Motherwort Tincture
Motherwort has been used for thousands of years to treat various conditions, including heart disease, anxiety, and irregular menstruation. Though many of its traditional uses have not been scientifically studied, research indicates that the herb has some potential benefits. One traditional use of motherwort is to help reduce rapid or irregular heart rate caused by stress or anxiety.
Motherwort contains several antioxidants and has been linked to various health benefits. These include a reduced risk of heart disease, as well as decreased blood pressure and heart rate caused by stress or anxiety.
Dosage: ½ – 1 tsp; 3-4 times daily as directed by your practitioner.
As with any herbal preparation, dosage should be determined based on the status of your health and guidance from your practitioner.
These products have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness. Please check with your medical practitioner before using any herbal remedy.
Hawthorn Berries
Hawthorn has a long-standing reputation as a heart tonic. “Research has validated this herb’s historical uses, and is shown to be especially useful in treating congestive heart failure, preventing heart attack, normalizing blood pressure, regulating heartbeat, and protecting the heart from oxidative stress.” (Practical Herbalism, Philip Fritchey, MH, ND)
Notes: Hawthorn needs to be used consistently and long-term to achieve optimum results.
Dosage: 1 tsp 1-3 times daily as directed by your practitioner.
As with any herbal preparation, dosage should be determined based on the status of your health and guidance from your practitioner.
These products have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness. Please check with your medical practitioner before using any herbal remedy.
Lemon Balm Tincture
Lemon Balm herb is also known as Melissa. It looks a lot like mint and has been prized by beekeepers since the earliest times as Melissa means ‘bee plant’. It has been used by ancient herbalists for complaints that “proceeded from a disordered state of the nervous system”. It is often used as a tea, or warm infusion. Its actions include nervine, anti-spasmodic, anti-depressive, anti-microbial, hepatic, and anti-viral. As a tincture, it can be added to your tea or your water.
“Energetically Lemon Balm stimulates Chi, and is used to treat Heart Chi constraint and Heart Yin deficiency. It has tonifying effects on the Heart, Pericardium, Triple Heater, Lung, Liver, Kidney and Bladder, Chong & Ren meridians.” (Practical Herbalism, Dr. Philip Fritchey MH, ND)
Dosage: ½ to 1 tsp as needed
As with any herbal preparation, dosage should be determined based on the status of your health and guidance from your practitioner.
These products have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness. Please check with your medical practitioner before using any herbal remedy.